Samantha Chow

Who Am I?

I’m an inquisitive UX Designer who gets excited about working on products that make the world a better, kinder place.

I believe that we are never done learning. I support this by volunteering with UXPALA, moderating UX events and workshops, and sharing my lessons in UX.

I was most recently a UX Designer at the Academy of Motion Pictures, where I advocated for UX across all departments and challenged “the way things have always been done.”


UX Design

UXPALA UX Communities

UXPALA UX Communities

A research project to build a database of UX communities for designers to connect and talk UX.


Oscars Nominee Central

In 2018, I was responsible for the UX design for Nominee Central, where Oscar nominees can officially accept their nominations and RSVP to events.


Academy Member App

I was responsible for the experience design and research for an iOS app for members to stream nominated movies before voting for the Oscars.


Visual Design